Thursday, July 14, 2011

For Real?

There is something to be said for creating a blog half drunk on a Thursday.  It's like, "Hey, I had a few beers, it's 4:24 pm, why not write some shit!"  Seriously, I am pretty sure my friends are tired of hearing me philosophize about the existence of turkeys, how funny my brain farts are, and why I will never date the brother of a friend.  (Again.) I figured I needed to do this, because the only person that should be subjected to my thoughts is me.  Well, me and anyone who actually chooses to read this. 

So long story short, be ready.  I rant.  I contemplate.  I have no clue what the f*** is going on.  Ever.  I am incredibly immature, but totally responsible.  I have an amazing job, that changes the lives of people every day (for the better!) and I have the world's most perfect one year old son, but I'm pretty sure that is all by chance.